Posted in Inspirational, Life & Wellness, Positive Thinking

Today is a Great Day!

I love Mondays. For me, it’s like a clean slate— a fresh new start.
So I try to set my mind to all possible good things that could happen.

Just like what Stephen Richards said, “When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it.”

So let’s strive for positivity!
If something not pleasing will arise, let’s remember to look at the good thing it could bring. I believe that we always have something to learn from experience- including the negative ones.

Let us all be grateful for another day that we’re alive! Let us make today one of the best days of our lives. Enjoy every moment and let’s have this as our mantra:  TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY! 🙂

I hope you’ll enjoy this song that I included in my post for good vibes!

(video credits: YouTube)

Date Written: June 20, 2016

Posted in Life & Wellness, Motivational, Positive Thinking, Psychology

Deal with Negative Emotions, Positively

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.”- Joel Osteen

Negative emotions are inevitable. Everyday, we encounter circumstances that would arouse one or more of these emotions in us. The truth is, no matter how positive a person we are, we still get affected and we still can’t help but feel these negative emotions even if we don’t want to.

So, how do we handle these? What can we do so that they don’t affect us as much? In my personal opinion, I think that we should allow ourselves to feel them. Let ourselves get acquainted with those feelings– welcome them and accept them. And then, we detach from them. Allowing ourselves to feel the negative emotions is us recognizing that we don’t feel good about something.

Now, it is important to remember that after we come from that realization, we have 2 options: It is either we dwell on these emotions long enough that they make our lives miserable, OR we take charge and have the power over them by analyzing their root causes and come up of possible solutions to change them.

According to Gretchen Rubin, “Negative emotions like loneliness, envy, and guilt have an important role to play in a happy life; they’re big, flashing signs that something needs to change.” I agree with her completely! 🙂

(photo source)

Date Written: June 23, 2016


Posted in Blogging, Positive Thinking, Uncategorized

A Blog Worth Sharing #12: MATTERS FOR THE HEART

Hello Everyone!

I am excited to share with you today another admirable blog that I am sure you will really love. Di’s writings are truly moving and inspirational. It makes you reflect on yourself and your life. Her positivity is just infectious and admirable.

Di, thank you for your inspirational blog. It is very soulful and thought-provoking! Simply amazing! 🙂

Matters of the Heart

POST TITLE: Autumn Leaves and Forgiveness

“So now the time had arrived…

Thank you anxiety, you showed me how to control my fear,
Thank you inadequacy, you showed me I AM enough,
Thank you over-sensitivity, you showed me how to feel for others,
Thank you worry, you showed me greater peace,
Thank you emotions, you showed me to release my fear of vulnerability,
Thank you solitude, you showed me how to listen to my deepest spirit callings,
Thank you pain, you slowed me down long enough for my heart to catch up,
Thank you, ‘too quiet’, you showed me how to listen,
Thank you jealousy, you showed me what’s important to me,
Thank you ‘day-dreamer’, you showed me the possibilities,
Thank you fear, you showed me how to push through my doubts,
Thank you inferiority, you showed me we are all equal, and all worthy of LOVE,
Thank you self-criticism, you showed me the way ahead can only be LOVE for myself.

May we find forgiveness in our lack of unconditional love towards ourselves.”


(Featured Image: Source)

Posted in Motivational, Positive Thinking, Psychology

Surviving Tough Times!

“You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative events.”- Joel Osteen 

When you will find yourself in a problem situation, remember to remind yourself of these:

  1. You’ve been through worse.
    Think of the greatest adversity you have ever encountered in your life and how you were able to get through it. You may be amazed to discover that you have had survived tougher and rougher situations.
  2. This is just a bad day, not a bad life.
    Just because things are going wrong this time doesn’t mean that life is no longer good. You can cry over your problems, but do not forget the other good things that are going well in your life too. This is the best time to count your blessings.
  3. Change your Paradigm.
    Instead of whining about the bad situation, focus on how this experience would make you a better person. What is it trying to teach you? How will you respond?
  4. Keep Calm.
    Anxiety and stress would only magnify the problem in your own perception. It makes the problem bigger than it really is. So do not stress out and calm yourself. Remember that a problem ALWAYS has a solution. Otherwise, it is not a problem.
  5. You are in control.
    You cannot choose how to feel; BUT you can always choose how to respond.Do not let the situation control you. Be in control of the situation.

Smile even when in trouble, happiness will find you! 🙂

(Photo Source)

Date Written: July 15, 2016

Posted in Motivational, Positive Thinking

Free Yourself from Fear!


Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. It’s YOUR Choice!”- Anonymous

There are times in my life when I am scared to try a new thing just because I can’t imagine myself failing, even if I know deep inside me that I am going to be good at that certain thing. There are moments when I second-guess myself and doubt my own capabilities, fearing that I may badly hurt my self-esteem and may not recover from the blow.

However, I realized that whenever I do that— whenever I allow my fears to dictate my decisions and actions, I would only be wasting opportunities.  I would be throwing away my chances to succeed and thrive.

Fear is an illusion that our minds create to protect us from danger; but we should not allow it to disable us. Fear is NOT real.

So let us make the choice to overcome our fears and start believing that we can! If we fail, it is okay. WE CAN ALWAYS TRY AGAIN. Enjoy life everyone! =)

(photo source)

Written on: June 07, 2016

Posted in Inspirational, Positive Thinking

Be the Master of Your Emotions

Hello Everyone! 🙂

Let’s do something fun today!

I read this very inspiring quote from Og Mandino  and I thought why not make a good exercise out of it and make it our inspiration for the day!

So, I’ve deleted the end of the phrases and put my own answers. 🙂

How do I change?

If I feel depressed I will offer some time to help others.

If I feel sad I will think of happy times and smile.

If I feel ill I will put on my best clothes (and sneakers! yeah!).

If I feel fear I will pretend to be secret superhero =P

If I feel inferior I will remind myself that I know some things that others most likely do not know.

If I feel uncertain I will fake it ’til I make it.

If I feel poverty I will trust in the Lord’s providence and let go of worries.

If I feel incompetent I will remind myself of my past achievements especially for THAT one time (sorry guys, I’ll keep it my little secret for now =)

If I feel insignificant I will think of people who have appreciated me for showing them kindness at certain points in their lives.

Today I will be the master of my emotions.

I had a really fun time doing this! Now it’s your turn to fill-in the blanks. I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I did and more importantly, remind yourself to be the Master of Your Emotions today!


Photo Source

Posted in Blogging, Positive Thinking


Hello Everyone!

Today, I am excited to share with you a blog that I really love. As a working mom, I could definitely relate to most of the post of Brittany Bonnaffons, the Extraordinarily Ordinary Mom!

I like how she shares her personal experience about life and the realizations that she makes. Adding to that the pictures of her super cute kids! I feel blessed and inspired whenever I read her posts. I hope you will find time to visit her blog- I promise you will not regret! 🙂

Thank you Britanny for inspiring us in your awesome way!




“No matter whether you love or hate your job, a job is just that – a job.  It need only be a piece of who you are not the entire picture.  I laugh to myself as I hear God saying, “Brittany, you had only one job!…You had ONE JOB!”  And it had nothing to do with work.  “Give your day to Me.  Trust that I can make the most of it.”  So I do.”


“And today I got angry with God.  This time my anger had nothing to do with me.  I was angry for my son.  He could not tell me what color the cup was.  At least twenty times I asked him.  At least twenty times I told him the cup was purple.  At least twenty times, he could not tell me what color the cup was five minutes later, or two minutes later, or one minute later.  Somewhere, in the middle of dinner, I started shouting at God in my mind.  “Goodness gracious.  Just tell him what color the cup is!!!  Why is this fair? Why can’t he remember?  I just asked him.  Please help him remember what color the cup is.””


(Featured Image: Source)