Posted in Positive Thinking, Relationships

Believe In Others

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” – Nelson Mandela

When I was working as a supervisor in one Telecommunications Call Center, I had a “problem agent.” He came to work late most of the time, he could not finish his 8-hours phone time within our 8-hour shift, he did not follow our QA call-flow…In short, he is the epitome of an agent that any Supervisor would not wish to have in his team.

But I did not give up on this person. In fact, I spent more time with him than I should on normal circumstances. Instead of giving him a hard time and issuing him memos, I did exactly the opposite. I told him I know that he is good and that he just have to take his job more seriously. I also often reminded him the benefits that he would get if only he would just improve his performance. During our coaching sessions, I pointed out his areas for improvement, but I also highlighted the good stuffs. Guess what happened? I was able to turn this guy around. He was really good indeed; and he was also happy when finally, he got to experience the perks of being a performer.

I was touched during one of our teambuilding when this particular guy thanked me for what I did to him. For him, it was such a big deal. But what exactly did I do? I only helped him realized that he is capable. I helped him believe in himself.

My friends, there is always someone out there in need of a “little push” who can also eventually help others if only someone would believe in them. Be that someone. Be that life-changing person. Who knows how many more will be blessed by your simple act of kindness.

I wish all of you a great weekend ahead. God bless!


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25 thoughts on “Believe In Others

    1. Thank you for sharing me your post Jeffrey. Good thing you chose to be helpful & nice than be judgmental. It’s sad to know though that she’s gone blind…at least you were part of the good things that she saw and will remember. 😊

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  1. A very nice story, Nina. Some people just need some extra effort in order to “shine.” It is nice that he was grateful to you…Good for you!


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  2. That is a great example of turning poison into medicine, a Buddhism idea that I like. I had a horrible boss situation at a job I had years ago. He drank too much, followed me around on all my shifts and I would cry and decided to quit the job. I told a fellow bartender, and she said, he follows you, because he loves you! Then she said that is his way of showing he cares and topped it off with, imagine being him. Needless to say, I didn’t quit, learned to appreciate him for the broken man he was and changed the situation around. Win win win

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    1.’s a good thing that you were able to talk to someone who knew what was happening or going on with him… 🙂 Nice to know you didn’t quit and learned to appreciate him. Otherwise, it could probably have been a disaster for him, LOL! Thank you for sharing me your story. 🙂


      1. You are welcome Nina! My gratitute is if you continue educating us which such points of power! You see, you are a master there!


      2. Thank you Nina, if you find time you can check my blog post! I will be grateful if you do so, othewise thank you and have a blessed day! Will come back again, bye!


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