Posted in Motivational, Positive Thinking, Psychology

Hello Work Week!

“Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things.”-Byron Dorgan


I hope everyone had a great weekend.
It’s work week again and I would like to share with you some tips on how we could make this week productive without being burnt out.

1. Get Settled.
Monday is the “transition day” from the weekend to the work week. Ever felt like having your physical body at work, but your mind left at home? You’re not alone. I normally feel like that during Mondays. That is why it is important to allow yourself to get settled first. Don’t force yourself to work immediately! Allow a few minutes to get your mind accustomed to your work environment again.
I normally just sit in front of my desk, stare at my laptop, and drink my coffee while on my earphones listening to my favorite Jason Mraz songs.

2. Plan your Week.
Entering the week with clear goals and action plans results in a more productive week. It helps when you identify priorities based on importance and urgency. Making a “to-do list ” will help you stay on track and focused. You can also schedule time blocks where you cannot be interrupted while working on a certain task.

3. Have a Break!
Taking a Break from work will allow your brain to rest and will help it get more focused after. It will basically jump-start your brain. Moreover, scientific studies prove that Breaks can help improve alertness, memory and cognitive performance too.

4. Don’t forget to BE KIND.
You may become busy at work but no one could be too busy to do a good deed. Offer to help when you can, compliment and praise when there is opportunity, and SMILE! Just asking how a colleague is doing could mean a great deal to them. 🙂

5. Don’t bring work at home.
In other words: What happens at work, stays at work!

I wish everyone a great and productive week ahead! 🙂

Photo Source

Date Writte: July 11, 2016

21 thoughts on “Hello Work Week!

  1. Great post – lately I have had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach every Sunday night. These tips are definitely worth a try to set my intentions to start the week in a more positive way. Thank you 🙂

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