Posted in Blogging

A Blog Worth Sharing # 6- Zen and the Art of Everyday Living

Hello Everyone!

The blog that I am sharing with you today is one of the most helpful blogs I’ve encountered, especially when it comes to living mindfully and peacefully. The author, Richard Grumberg, has a very clear and easy to understand approach in his writings. I strongly recommend that you visit his blog… AND for the poetic bloggers, you may also like his other blog  575 Haiku Place.

Thank you Richard for teaching us the art of everyday living! Your amazing blog is truly inspirational and helpful.


BLOG NAME: Zen and the Art of Everyday Living
POST TITLE: The Path of Wisdom: Parenting the Inner Child

“Whether or not you believe in the concept of an ‘inner child’ (and no less a Zen Master than Thich Nhat Hanh is a strong proponent of it), we all know that just about every time we set out do something that will require any appreciable effort, our feelings will inevitably scream out, “I don’t want to! I don’t want to! Let’s just do that tomorrow!”

Conversely, any time we are tempted to do something that we know we shouldn’t do, our feelings will cry out, “But I want to! I want to! Do it! Do it! Do it!” Those feelings make up a large part of our inner child.

This is why I believe that parenting our inner child, which is predisposed to avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, is one of the greatest skills any human being can develop if they want to successfully do just about anything involving any appreciable effort.”

(Featured Image: Source)

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