Posted in Life & Wellness, Relationships

It’s all about RELATIONSHIP

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.”               – 1 Corinthians 13:13

Do you want a happy life? A life worth living? A life that is enjoyable? A life that is meaningful?… I tell you what. YOU CAN HAVE IT!

How? By nurturing and growing your relationships. Take great care of them more than you care for your expensive car or jewelries. The other areas of your life like your finances or health could suffer, and you could still be happy- I’ve seen poor people who are happy because they have such close family relationships and good friends. I know people who are sick but are happy because they have people who love and care for them…but I’ve never seen or known someone who’s truly happy living alone for himself.

We need people to satisfy our need to feel safe, to feel that we belong, and to build our self-esteem.

Here are 3 things that will help make relationships better:
1. Say “Thank You”- never keep your gratitude to yourself. say it to people who deserve to be thanked. Say thank you for the fun time, for the good meal cooked for you, for the great conversation, for the encouraging word, for the gestures of love…for the simplest or even the corniest reason.

2. Say “I’m Sorry”- apologize when you did something wrong even if it wasn’t intended. Admit your fault and just say sorry that you made a mistake. And sometimes, even if it’s not your fault, you still apologize. People who care more for the person and the relationship apologize first because caring and loving comes first to being righteous. Pride will give you nothing but a cold lonely heart.

3. Say “I love You”- Do not get tired of saying this everyday. Say it to your spouses/partners, children, parents, siblings, friends…fill-up your love tank. No one dies of love-overdose. This is something a person could get as much as he or she wants. And the good thing is that this is FREE. So give as much as you could and it’ll come back to you doubled or tripled!

If you want a happy life, have happy relationships- with God, with others & with yourself! 🙂

Photo Source

Written on: October 21, 2016

49 thoughts on “It’s all about RELATIONSHIP

  1. Nina, the simple things in relationships are often the most important things, and that is the pathway to happiness. Good thing that I teach this in my preschool class. When a child does something kind to a fellow classmate, I say, “Kiss your heart”. The child kisses his/her fingers, and touches their heart. This is probably the most powerful thing to acknowledge kindness. Those relationships in the classroom are cemented by that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So smart, so simple, yet so easy to forget.

    Its also easy to not notice when you’re not on the receiving end of those three things. In a previous relationship I was so consumed with doing those three (among many other things), that it wasn’t until after the breakup when I realized those weren’t being reciprocated. Or they were conditional, especially #3. Of course, I’m not at all absolved on how it got to that point, but had those there been in abundance, it would have helped with a lot of other things!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I totally agree with you… so simple yet so easy to forget…I think it is ironic that some people try so hard and sometimes desperately fail to do the grander stuffs, not realizing there are these simpler things that they can easily do that would really make difference!

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  3. Steve and I have talked before about people can be so much nicer to co-workers and acquaintances than they are to their spouse or family. Simple things like saying Thank You are often forgotten at home. Common courtesy things.
    ‘Thank you’ goes a long way in making someone feel great.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so true Nikki! I wonder why is that too…it comes more natural for us to be nice and kind to other people but when it comes to family, sometimes we could be a little too tough and rough!


    1. Thank you for reading. I’m glad to know that my post is helpful to you…No matter what you’re going through right now, it will pass sooner or later. Just don’t lose hope and keep the faith! ☺

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Nina and thank you for such a lovely and well written post.
    These are all seemingly little things but are the ones people can underestimate. I agree, they show basic respect and we all deserve that always. I love you line too about not being able to overdose on love. Sending a loving hug to you….💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. …and here’s my big warm HUG back to you! 🙂
      You’re right Di…these are very simple things that most of us often neglect hence, the unhappy relationships…I don’t have perfect relationships but I have learned to appreciate and to apologize. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah Nina, you and me both. Learning to apologize now is a big thing but it means I now accept I cannot strive for perfect anymore. That it’s unattainable.
        Thank you so much for your lovely reply and my hug… gratefully received….🌈💕

        Liked by 2 people

  5. I agree with you! We need to be thankful, we need to say sorry and we also need to say love you!! But I have a question do “expectations” are wrong when those are being brought up by the one you love!!!! It hurts really when the they make you to expect and when we do it they just judge us!! I know girls want to hear more sorries more loves but doesn’t a guy living for you giving up everything can’t even expect attention or importance!!!
    Nice work I loved the way you explained it!!! Keep doing it
    I’m sorry it made me a little emotional!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kumudsingh,

      I’m so sorry that it took me this long to reply to your comment. But I want you to know that I appreciate your generous comment. You’re right, both men and women equally need to feel that they are loved, valued and respected. Relationships always goes both ways, and it isn’t just 50-50…both people involved should give their 100%! 🙂

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