Posted in Inspirational, Life & Wellness, Positive Thinking

Let’s Plant Life Seeds!- Seed #3: HEALTH

There are 5 things things in life that we know are important, but do not treat with much importance. You see, simply knowing is useless until what we know is applied and manifested in our behavior or actions.

Let me give you 2 simple facts:

1. OUR TIME ON EARTH IS LIMITED. The average life expectancy of a person is 78.8 years according to CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)


Some people would see our life as a book, and we’re the authors.
For this time, I want us to picture our life as a garden and we’re the gardeners planting the seeds that we will reap later in our life.

Let us learn about Seed # 3 today, HEALTH. 🙂

Health Seed

“My purpose is to give life in all its fullness”- John 10:10

When we talk about health, automatically what comes to mind is the gym & the boring leafy greens. But health is rather more than that. It is a LIFESTYLE. And if we want to be healthy for the rest of our lives, we need to develop and practice the habit of a good lifestyle.

1. Mobility– whether we like it or not, the only way for us to burn fats is to move, move, and move. That is why exercise works! Now, if you’re like me who is not really a fan of the traditional exercise, let me introduce you to my “organic gym”.
* commute and walk a lot– according to studies, commuting is one of the factors of life longevity in Japan. When you go to the mall or to your office, park in the area farthest to the entrance door. This way, you avoid the stress of fighting for a nearest parking space and you have the wonderful opportunity to walk.
* go window shopping or stroll in the park more often.
* play with your kids and then clean the house until you sweat like never before!
* befriend the stairs! If you’re going up 2 floors only, use the stairs instead of the elevator.
* dance! Play your favorite rhythm and dance like nobody is watching!

2. Diet– what we take into our body is a big deal. Some diseases are acquired because of the food that we intake. Do we eat more junk foods that real foods? Do we dig in fast and instant foods more often than slow home-cooked meals? Do we digest more fruits, vegetables, fish & red meat? Do we drink more water or alcohol? Help your body to detoxify. Eat healthy.

3. Socialization & Family Ties– According to psychology, strong group orientation is conducive to our psychological well-being. When we socialize with others, we develop friendships and relationships. It gives us a sense of belonging and keeps us from feeling alienated. When we are close to our family, we feel more love from one another. Getting & giving more love equals happier life!

4. Set a time to Get Busy– I don’t mean get busy with work or stuffs that stresses you out! Get busy doing the things that gives you pleasure. Read books, paint, play your guitar and record your song, get creative, write your poetry or novel, plant in your garden. Do the things that sharpens your skills or mentality, do things that gives joy to your soul!

5. Meditate– Meditation is not just for physical relaxation but it also increases the brain’s gray matter which contains most of the brain’s neuronal cell bodies. According to a Harvard Study, “participating in an eight-week mindfulness meditation program appears to make measurable changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress”.

Do you want to live more than 60 years old- full of life and still kicking? Then plant the seeds of a healthy lifestyle. Take care of your health while you’re young, your health will take care of you when you get old.


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Did you miss the previous Seeds? Read them here.

40 thoughts on “Let’s Plant Life Seeds!- Seed #3: HEALTH

  1. True Nina. Health is not just on the physical, it also includes the emotional and mental (psychological) aspects of our being. Such should be balanced. We will not enjoy life to its fullness when our health is suffering.
    Simple yet helpful practicals you’ve got there. Your closing statement holds truth: “Take care of your health while you’re young, your health will take care of you when you get old”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great advice, Nina! The first part reminded me of a sign at my local grocery store. One of the parking spots furthest from the store has a sign that says something like “reserved for those who understand the importance of walking,” or something like that. 🙂 (Although, I can’t say I’ve ever parked there 😄). Maybe, I should start, haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! That’s the first time I’ve known about a sign like that! I love that grocery store! 😊 yeah…You should start. I’m practicing the stairs thing too. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I thought it was funny the first time I saw it. I’m good with the stairs, part though. Just climbed 3 sets to get to my schools library. (for some reason I’ve never bothered using the elevator yet. I think the stairs are quicker anyway.) But when it comes to parking I’m always looking for the closest one. So I’ll work on the parking part and you can work on the stair climbing part. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve got no problem with stair going down…Lol! But yeah, I’ll try to be consistent with the stairs going up! You got yourself a deal! 😊👍

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Your digital paintings are AMAZING! I love them!!! Thank you for sharing…do you allow bloggers to borrow your art work for their posts?


  3. Hello Nina. More awesome messages and it’s wonderful that you included the mind and meditation as a contributing factor to health. It’s often the final piece of the puzzle but should almost be one of the first. Great post, thank you 🙋🌺🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Di! Thank you for.visiting and reading again. I really appreciate it! I agree with you. Meditation and health of the mind should be of equal importance to that of the physical and the others. Though some people do not think so or prioritize it that way, but it should be. ☺ Thank you for stressing that out!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello Nina! I realised I had some catching up to do! I resonate with your posts to it was my pleasure.
        Take care and we shall be in communication again in another post I’m sure ✨✨🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you Di! I could relate with you in terms of catching up! For now I only peep at my blog when I get a chance… I’d love to sit down for hours and read others’ posts soon. Take care Di! Have an awesome day! 😊💛

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s perfectly understandable Nina. I didn’t even expect you to reply after your post about having time away. But I’m glad you could manage a little peep to see my comments.
        Take care and have a wonderful day too 🌹❤🌹

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