Posted in Life & Wellness, Motivational, Positive Thinking, Psychology

3 Steps to End LONELINESS

When we have a problem and feel as though our life is falling apart, our tendency is to “escape” from the miserable state that we’re at- and most often than not, we resolve to the quick fixes that are also self-destructive at some point: We drink. We party like hell in the company of people who more or less do not care about what’s going on with your life. We take drugs to forget or have sex with strangers. But guess what– the next day, YOUR PROBLEM IS STILL THERE because these quick fixes are not really the solutions but a temporary escape from your reality.

Just recently, I was able to listen attentively to Jason Mraz’ song “Three Things” and I thought, Wow! This is exactly how we should deal with the downsides in our lives.


“Number one, I cry my eyes out and dry up my heart.”


Yes, crying is a cathartic release. It purges us of our massive feeling of loneliness. I personally believe that it is important to first empty ourselves with the heartaches before we could move on.


“The second thing I do… say my thank-you’s for each and every moment of my life. I go where I know the love is and let it fill me up inside…”

Not many of us realize but it is also important to contemplate on our lives. We get to analyze what went well and what went wrong…being said that, we should not fix our focus only the to the bad experience and the bad feeling that it brings- but more importantly, what lesson do we get from it.

friendsSurrounding ourselves with the people who cares for us also helps us get through the difficulties of life. If we are alone and we are lonely, we get lonelier because we do not have another person to encourage us and share the burden. Other people may not necessarily provide the solutions, but they give us the emotional support that is much needed. They strengthen us by letting us feel loved and valued.


“The third thing that I do…I pause, I take a breath,…and I let that chapter end.”

pastWe should let go of the failures and hurts in our past, and move on with our lives. Contrary to what others believe in, your past do not determine your future. You future is determined by the choices that you make…and it is your choice to be happy. SO CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.


(Photo credits: Google, Video credits: YouTube)

Date Written: May 30, 2016

24 thoughts on “3 Steps to End LONELINESS

  1. Another awesome post Nina! I especially can relate with the point “contemplate our lives”, it is so useful to stop once in a while and realise all the stuff that is going on in our daily living, makes us open our eyes under many aspects I think! 🙂 Thank you very much for sharing this!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for spending time on the post 🙂 You are right, it is good to internalize sometimes, especially with so much going on in our lives… we need to re-focus and pay attention to what’s important and let go of the un-healthy. 🙂


  2. This is a great post Nina, I have been doing some research into loneliness and what you have mentioned is totally backed by the science. Seems like Jason Mraz knew a thing or 2 😉

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